2014年10月29日 星期三

The special event- World Series and Homerun derby

Today I'm going to introduce some special event in MLB.

Such as homerun derby,  and the world series.

The world series held annually and which is now red hot!! 

The Kansas city Royals and the San Francisco Giants,

are doing their best to compete for the championship.

They are now tied at 3-3. 

The rule for the world series is “Best of seven”,

which means when one of them get another win,

the trophy will belong to them, with an additional ring for every teammate of that team.

The ring is a kind of special thing, 

every team have their own style as we can see at the bottom. 

The similarity is that they're both so dazzling and so appealing!

BTW,  it is really a shame that the orioles have been beaten by the royals

(oh,no...no more wei-yin chen...) 

Additionally, it seems that both of these two teams(the royals and the giants) 

are really well prepared! 

One got eight straight wins and the other got seven straight wins

before they versus each other!! What a record!

Here is the recap for the past five games. 

We can obvious feel the high tension in the World series.

Amazing seven runs inning in game 6:

Game 5:

Game 4:

Game 3:

Game 2:

Game 1:

Now let's go on to another event, Homerun Derby.

This event is probably for charity. When a player hit a homerun, 

the MLB organization will donate specific amount of money to the people in need.

It's really kind of them to do this.

Now, let's see how the competition begins. 

First, each league(american league and national leaguewhich is mentioned before) 

will pick five players to participant in the competition. 

Roughly divide into three rounds. 

Next, in one round, there are ten chances for you. 

Whenever you stop the streak, you will get a minus.   

When you don't have any chances left, you round is over. 

The player who hit most homeruns will be the winner.

nice trophy for the homerun derby

That's all for today~ Welcome to my blog~

2014年10月16日 星期四

Magic ball!!

Today I'm going to show you guys two types of breaking balls that we can see in the ballgame.

Cutter and Knuckle ball. Haha~ my favorite ones.

To become a professional pitcher,

it is always not enough to have only one kind of ball type.

Especially in MLB, every pitcher is required to have four fundamental ball types.

Including, fastball, slider, changeup, and curveball.

However, except for those talented or gifted legendary players, 

it is very hard to have only one ball type.

Take the former closer of NYY for example.

Mariano Rivera, the brilliant closer, the only thing he got is cutter.

Weird, isn't it? The reason why is that he specializes in cutter!

Also,the unknown movement confused the hitters,

frequently produces ground balls and strike outs. 

Also, the knuckle ball produces the same effect.

Take a look at RA Dickey's kunckle ball, you will realize the amazing spot!!!

this is how to throw  a cutter
and this is knuckle ball.

Now let us see the movement of this two ball type!

                                            Did you see that?  What a special move!!
                                           Beyond discription.....

2014年10月9日 星期四

Take a Look into MLB

Now let's take a look into MLB!!

First of all, there are totally 30 teams divided into two different leagues:

American League and Nation League

each league is also divided into three areas according to where their are located.

Now here is a picture of a baseball field and we clearly see the different positions.

For example, the captain of New Yankees, Derek Jeter, is a shortstop.

I'm a shortstop!

Every year when each team finishes their 162 games, the team who get the most wins in the their 

area get the chance to advance into ALDS-ALCS(or NLDS-NLCS) and finally WORLD SERIES.

The special welfare is that the one who wins the championship will hold the all star game the next 


This is the routine of every season~
The orioles is going to take the world series!!

  We all know that MLB is the best baseball stage in the world. However, no one is perfect...


Hope you guys like it~ have a nice day~

2014年10月1日 星期三

Printf("Hello MLb world!\n")

Hi everyone~ Welcome to the world of MLB!

In my blog, I'll introduce everything about MLB that you can ever imagine!

What is MLB? It stands for "Major League Baseball".

As we know, many courtry has their own baseball league such as Taiwan's CPBL, Korea's KBO, and

Japan's NPB...etc. However, MLB is the best at all times!!!

Now, I'm going to explain why I chose this as my topic.

When I was still a elementary school student, I enjoyed watching baseball game, but, MLB only...

HAHA! We people always pursue the best thing, aren't we?

The reason why I like to watch them is hard to explain. Maybe there is magic power in baseball

games that can keep my eyes on the TV screen for a long long time.

However, one thing is very certain, I really like to see HOMERUNs and DIVING CATCH!

I'm truely addicted to it for sure!!!